Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Camp Coffs 2009

These are some photos of Camp Coffs 2009. If you want to post some of your just log on using your user name access or email to the Club

Click on the link to see Honch in the mud

and here is Chris K

and now we can see Max

Moderate trail climbs and these were the shallow ruts

Bellinger River line up

Camp Coffs 2009 photos

Camp Coffs from the Chopper

Photo shoot at South Wall with baby chopper in the sky

KK on the rough ledges at Sherwood

Camp Coffs 2009 - Photos

Out on a moderate

Dorrigo Mountain photo stop
Hell yeah, there was plenty of this...

And some more

Taking a quick break at Sherwood

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Following flood damage to the Nana Glen site, Camp Coffs basesite has been relocated to the Coffs Harbour Showground. This is adjacent to the Harbour City Holiday Park (formerly Coffs Harbour Tourist Park) on the Pacific Highway near the centre of Coffs. The new site is well located to all services and within a short walking distance to Clubs, Hotels, shopping and other venues.

The Service Centre directly opposite has fuel, pharmacy, fast food and small shops,  and some washing bays.

Additional security arrangements (patrols, IDs, etc) are being put in place to ensure camp site security during day trips

Directions to the new venue:

Coming from the North - Brisbane
Drive into Coffs from the north past the shopping centres and through one set of lights, under the railway bridge and through a second set of lights. Keep going until the third set of lights (Shell Service Station on the left) are you are almost there.
Take the first turn through the gates to the camping site and follow the signs to the reception centre - this will be to the left as you drive through the gates.

Coming from the South - Sydney
Drive into Coffs and pass through a number of traffic lights until you reach the main CBD - Coffs Harbour Hotel on the left, shops etc on the right. Drive through one set of lights and across a bridge at Coffs Creek. The Harbour City Holiday Park is well signposted on your right. Drive along about 300-400m and there is a turning lane to the right which will take you into the Camp Coffs Grounds. This is directly opposite a fuel and small service centre. Follow directions to the reception centre as before. If you miss the turn don't panic. Keep going to the next set of lights - Shell Service Station on your right and turn right. Do not do a U-Turn at the lights or your Jeep costs will be increased. Just turn right drive along about 200m and there is a small park/parking area where you can do a legal turn and come back onto the Highway.